A Course In Miracles


Principles of Living


“Do I want to suffer?”

Your answer must be obvious!


“A Course In Miracles” is a practical self-study course with … “Knowledge is not the motivation for learning this course. Peace is.”


All are welcome to attend all gatherings or any number of gatherings. There are no prerequisites.

The curriculum is arranged for us to meet, on Zoom, as a group, every Monday - beginning with Workbook Lesson 1 and continuing through to Workbook Lesson 365 - for one year (2022). You may attend any Monday, but I recommend a commitment to the PRACTICE OF PEACE for one year.


The inception of A Course In Miracles came from the profound heart-felt declaration: “There must be another way!”

Instead of the mind being guided by judgment and specialness … another Way (Love and Forgiveness) is invited to Guide the mind.

This Way is the means to imperturbable Peace.